Victor Mature and Diana Dors in ‘The Long Haul’ 1957

This is a very good film  with a good  script, terrific acting from Victor Mature and Diana Dors   and beautiful wide-screen photography.  A work colleague of mine who is not at all a film fan really  likes this one because it centres on the old vehicles which seem to have such a nostalgic pull for some people and I suppose shows a world gone by.
These are two very good actors – both often underrated and in my book wrongly so.  Diana Dors is particularly good  in this role displaying great sensitivity and Victor Mature plays his part well.  The relationship between the principal characters is very well drawn and the outcome is not the normal  ending that one would expect    For a film made in England in the mid fifties the production values are high and they seemed to have spent some money on this one.   One  scene where Victor Mature changes the front wheel of his truck under 5 foot of water in a Scottish loch  has to be seen to be believed –  I wonder how many truckers could equal Victor Mature’s prowess in this area !!This  is  much more than just a movie about truckers although fans of trucks will be able to see the Leyland Octopus 8 wheel truck in action.The Long   Haul is a good film of it’s day. It is available on DVD now I understand.
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