What a perfect choice to promote this classic film both in England and the USA.
Here Elton Hayes – or Alan A’Dale – travels around introducing himself to the many fans who would be waiting to see the new film which had been very heavily promoted.
Elton was also enlisted to promote the film in the USA and in 1952 he set off on a demanding eight week tour, making an astonishing 113 visits to cinemas, theatres, Television studios, and whatever was deemed advantageous for Walt Disney, who had taken a lot of interest in this filmand its success – and indeed it was very successful.
ABOVE – Elton Hayes visits the Delphian League match between Woodford Town and Rainham Town – and even demonstrates a left foot shot – maybe he is just kicking off the game
ABOVE – Giving youngsters a free song or two in the grounds of Cardiff Castle after he had appeared at the Empire Cinema in the City
ABOVE – Signing Autographs at the Gaumont Cinema in Liverpool
ABOVE – Prior to appearing at the Majestic and Scala Cinemas in Leeds, Elton visited the Tailors – Price – and tried his hand at cutting a suit.
He is watched by Mr W. Finan ( 2nd Left) the Personnal Manager at Price and Mr C. Willmott the Manager of the Scala Cinema ( 2nd Right)
ABOVE – While in Birmingham, where he appeared at the Gaumont, Elton paid a mid-day visit to the National Trade Fair at Bingley Hall, where he is pictured on stage with Harry Roy and his band, entertaining a large audience with hit tunes from the Walt Disney adventure
ABOVE – With Walt Disney himself at Denham Film Studios
ABOVE Elton Hayes in the film
BELOW – with the lovely Joan Rice who played Maid Marian
The Technicolor on this film was about as good as it gets – I think that the Technicolor of the early fifties was the best ever.
This film always intrigues me because of it’s parallel – at least from the title – with the Marie Celestealthough the story does not progress in anyway like that
The film stars Hazel Court and Dermot Walshwho were married in reallife.
Hazel Court later married actor and Producer/ Director Don Taylor – who had made a Robin Hood film ‘Men of Sherwood Forest’ here in England in 1954.
They remained happily married until he died
An interesting film with some good acting, an excellent flashback sequence which is told by a medium who the young couple who had recently acquired the ‘ghost ship’ employ – who tells them of a love triangle that had gone gone horribly wrong for the previous owners of the boat.
The Medium had been consulted to find out why the many strange and eerie happenings occurred – which had unnerved the young couple.
Of the stars, there are bit players who would later go on to find fame and success (Joss Ackland and Ian Carmichael also Ewen Solon who turned up in a lot of British films of that era, British star, Dermot Walsh, a brief turn for Sewell’s real-life wife, Joan Carol; an excellent performance from TV’s QUATERMASS, John Robinson, as a wronged captain, Hugh Burden, who later found success in television; and of course, a starring role from lovely Hammer starlet Hazel Court. Hazel takes centre stage for much of the production and she was very good
This is 1958 and Janette Scott is 20 years old. When she is working she usually lives with her mother Thora Hird and father Jimmy Scott in a small mews house ‘The Old Forge’ somewhere in central London– I think that could be in Shepherds Bush
ABOVE – Janette outside ‘The Old Forge House’
The family have a love of music and quite a large collection of records of very varying types
They also have a large collection of miniature liqueur bottle which need dusting regularly – here Janette takes on the task
Janette had a secret wish to become a blonde – something she succeeds in becoming in her latest film ‘The Lady is a Square’ with Frankie Vaughan and Anna Neagle.
Here she is with blonde hair BELOW
Ted Lune from ‘The Army Game’ had a small part in this. He was a great comic
Again ABOVE – Janette looking lovelyin this scene from the film
Within the last few days, I have been lucky enough to acquire quite a few items of memorabilia from the film world.
One of these items was the original Press Book from the famous film ‘The Railway Children’ of 1977 directed by Lionel Jeffries
Maybe not a Fifties film but there are connections here because in 1957 BBC Television had an 8 part serialisation of The Railway Children with Jean Anderson as the mother and Anneke Wills as Roberta. Norman Shelley played the old gentleman
This 1957 version of The Railway Children also featured Cavan Kendall as Peter and Sandra Michaels as Phyl.
Jean Anderson reprised her role of Mother from the earlier 1951 BBC version, with Hilda Barry also returning as Mrs Viney. The script stuck closely to Dorothea Brooking’s original 1951 script.
Baynards railway station, on the Cranleigh line in Surrey (now disused) was used for location filming.
In the 1951 BBC Television version Clive Dunn had an early role and so did Ysanne Churchman from The Archers.
ABOVE – The poster really hits the button as regards the joyousness of the film
A tranquil family scene ABOVE – Lovely picture
Oakworth Station
Lionel Jeffries discusses a scene with Bernard Cribbins on the set of the film
I cant recall if the above scene was in the film – I don’t seem to remember it being though– maybe this is from the NEW version filmingnow
ABOVE – A tense and dramatic scene from the 1977 film
ABOVE and BELOW – The New Film – The Railway Children Return currently in production
I am quite looking forward to this new film being released early next year and seeing it in the cinema on the big screen– I think it will be good. Then again, I thought that the 2016 film version of ‘Dads Army’ was excellent but my views are not shared be everyone I know.
From the original 1977 film Press Book BELOW
From the Press Book
As a friend pointed out, the address ‘Wardour Street London W1’ has been closely associated with the film-land over the years
With football very much with us at the moment, I go back to a great favourite of mine ‘The Love Match’ with Arthur Askey
In the filmArthur’s son is a young professional footballer who has signed for United when Dad, all his life, has been an ardent supporter of City
This is a very funny film from the mid 50’s about Bill ( Arthur Askey) who is a railwayman and a real football fan. He goes to a match with his co-worker Wally (played by the writer, Glenn Melvyn) and by accident he hits the referee with a pie in the face. He is hauled off to court and fined 5 pounds, but Wally, who is deliberately dim, hands the bag of money which was for a railwaymen party to someone who promptly uses the money to pay her fine of 50 pounds.
They then have the task of somehow getting the money back.
There are other characters in this film, namely Bill’s wife – Thora Hird -who has great one liners, his son who is going to play football for the team Bill hates and his daughter, the stunning Shirley Eaton, who is entered in a dance contest in Liverpool. This is a great comedy film.
The screenplay by Glenn Melvyn is superb, and there are genuinely hilarious moments. No matter what kind of comedy you like, this is very highly recommended. Its crisp, the wit keeps flowing and the laughs are plenty.
Alf Hall ( played by Danny Ross ) is Rose Brown’s dim-witted boy friend. When he knocks on the Brown’s front door for the very first time Bill Brown opens it and all Alf can do is splutter out his name “Alf ‘all, Alf ‘all.” Bill’s reply is “Don’t worry I’ll catch you.”
ABOVE – Glenn Melvyn again teamed up with Danny Ross as they appeared together in a stage play at the Victoria Palace in London in the mid to late fifties with Mollie Sugden – and Valentine Dyall – BBC Radio’s ‘The Man in Black’
Valentine Dyall is a name that was around all the time on Radio, TV and films in the fifties. I remember him doing a TV Series with mysterious true stories that both fascinated us and scared the life out of us at the same time
Valentine Dyall
More about him in a later article on this Blog– he is an interesting character
We were all lucky enough in the 1950s to be able to visit the cinema in our local town – not just one cinema but two or three or more in each town and each one with a different ‘two film’ programme along with the usual Pearl and Dean advertising slot. Then we got the ‘Coming shortly’ trailers which I just loved – they were very enticing and before we knew it we were planning the next cinema trip as we just could not miss what we had seen – even though we had only seen a tiny bit.
This was a picture taken in the lovely town of Gainsborough in Lincolnshire advertising what was on at the State Cinema in 1960 – but is was not what it seems. In fact ‘Carousel’ was not the film but the Gainsborough Theatre Players putting on their yearly production on the stage of The StateCinema
A truly beautiful vintage cinema, The Palace Cinema in Cinderford proves that running an independent cinema is a real labour of love for owners. There’s a hand-drawn map on how to get there on the website, a whole host of original features in the building itself, and a friendly couple who run it. Free tea and coffee with winter tea matinees are a winner.
ABOVE – Now this is one of the most famous cinemas in the Country in the beautiful small town of Woodhall Spa, again in Lincolnshire.
It is the ‘Kinema in the Woods’
There is still an organ that is, quite often played prior to the film being shown
The Odeon Cinema St Albans
This was a favourite of mine – the Odeon St Albans which is now beautifully restored and has been re-named as the ‘TheOdyssey’
The Odyssey Cinema St Albans
The Cinema is breathtaking the original Art Deco features that remained have been incorporated into the new scheme and the end result is an auditorium which is beautiful and a true picture palace which harks back to a bygone age . Unlike the multiplex’s The Odyssey has Screen Curtains and all the sense of occasion and grandure that a visit to the cinema used to have.
In the Stalls – as shown – are tables with swivel seats which offer a different experience as you can sit at a table with a drink and then turn towards the screen as the film starts. In the balcony the rows of seats have massive amounts of leg room and the seats themselves are all armchair type offering the height of comfort.
The Odyssey technically is brilliant it has a massive Screen with the very latest digital projection technology, the sound system is the very latest reactive sound system and has the surround speakers hidden in the walls, the Odyssey offers sound and vision better than West End Cinemas in Leicester Square.
The Cinema in summary is a beautifully restored Art Deco masterpiece.
It must lay claim to being the finest cinema in the country – maybe even the world !!
Another favourite the Cinema in Lobethal, South Australia – just outside of Adelaide – a small village in Adelaide Hills
Lobethal Cinema – ABOVE
Lobethal Cinema – ABOVE
Inside this classic cinema – very English
Preparing for ‘Curtain Up’
These pictures evoke a cinema experience from the past.
This is the 900 th article I have written on this films of the fifties site, so I have chosen someone extremely well known and popular as the subject– and someone who requires no introduction tofilm fanstheWorld over
It would have been Johnny’s Birthday a few days ago on June 2 nd
Here he is Rumanian-born American Olympic gold medallist, competition swimmer, water polo player and actor Johnny Weissmuller on his birthday (June 2, 1904 – January 20, 1984),
Much better known for his roles as Tarzan (1932-1948) and Jungle Jim (1948-1958).
ABOVE – In his most famous role
What a life he had – a swimming World Champion who made the transition to films very successfully indeed with the big budget Tarzan films for MGM – and they were big budget and very well made.
Johnny with Tarzan creator Edgar Rice Burroughs
The next step was when RKO Radio released the next tranche but these, although very good and very watchable were nowhere near as good.
ABOVE – A lovely colour picture of Johnny with a new – and very good Jane – Brenda Joyce
When Johnny got too old he simply got dressed but didn’t retire from the jungle escapades – instead he became Jungle Jim in a series of cinema release films before playing the same role on Television for quite a few years. These were shown in England in the 50s and were very popular.
In his spare time, apart from getting married quite a few times, he played a lot of golf.
A Biography of Johnny – I must try to acquire this book
In 1954, MGM re-released his first two films to great success; a whole new generation now saw him in his prime on the big screen. In fact, most of the 12 Weissmuller Tarzan movies were re-released in theaters worldwide over the years.
And then the television era ushered in five more decades of widespread international viewing of those Weissmuller films, which are among the most broadcasted movies of all time.
By 1957, Weissmuller had retired from acting and went on to partner in various business ventures. In great shape in midlife, Johnny also continued to bring his popularity directly to his fans via water shows throughout the 1950’s.
ABOVE with a young lady and another former Tarzan Buster Crabbe
He also travelled the world doing charity work throughout his life, always willing to lend his fame for a good cause when asked. He helped to open and fundraise for children’s hospitals in places like Istanbul and Madrid. One of his pet charities was the Special Olympics, and to that end in 1976 he donated all of his Olympic medals and many trophies to the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation for disabled children, to be used in fundraising exhibitions. (They are now housed at the International Swimming Hall of Fame museum.)
Johnny Weissmuller meets The Queen at the 1966 Commonwealth Games
He is so obviously impressed and overawed – and maybe The Queen really enjoyed meeting Tarzan – Johnny Weissmuller
When he died, Johnny Weissmuller was one of the very few non-heads of state ever to be afforded a 21-gun salute, at his memorial service at Good Shepherd church in Beverly Hills. Arranged by Senator Kennedy and President Reagan, it was a singular honour for a man who was a true American icon. Concurrent memorial masses were also held at St Michael’s in Chicago (where he had been an altar boy), St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC, and the Vatican in Rome.
Though he had endured many trials and tribulations in his life – growing up in a poor immigrant family with an abusive father, the untimely death of his teenage daughter Heidi and suicide of his beloved Lupe, financial ruin caused by his unscrupulous business manager of 25 years and his own debilitating series of strokes that rendered him so physically disabled the last few years of his life – Johnny was always happy-go- lucky, down to earth and considerate with everyone who crossed his path. And his legendary sense of humor, generosity and accessibility to his fans made him all the more beloved.
As good friend and former TV Tarzan Ron Ely said recently in a filmed interview:
“If you talk about Johnny Weissmuller, you can only say positive things. He was a positive person, and didn’t show his troubles on the outside. He had a lot of friends; everyone loved him. I didn’t know anyone to ever make the tiniest negative comment about Johnny..
This is a very good film but one which, for whatever reason, did not do well at the Box Office. It has been shown recently on Talking Picturesand is recommended viewing.
It is a World War II film set in occupied Belgium which has an unusual plot for the time – about a good German officer, Colonel von Hohensee played by Marius Goring, who is appointed Military Governor of Brussels, and falls in love with a Belgian girl, Nicole ( Maria Schell). After a time, Nicole is approached by the Resistance movement and told to steal some documents from Colonel Hohensee
ABOVE – Barbara Mullen being questioned by a German Soldier
Above – That same scene
Without a doubt one of Maria Schell’s greatest roles.
ABOVE withMarius Goring
This film was a personal favourite of Marius Goring who had these words to say – ‘A touching little film . . . Maria Schell was beautiful and extremely good. It was too soon after the war and people still thought every German was a horror. A year later, and it would have been all right.’
Marius Goring was also great in his role – it was an uncharacteristic part for him.
These stills are obviously in Colour – but the film was not
They share a love of music
A Film well worth seeking out– Two actors at the top of their game herewith a good and strong supporting cast