Richard Todd presents a Ferguson Tractor

I had no idea what the occasion was here but the article is headed ‘Ferguson for the Highlands’ – as I looked further into this I found quite a bit more information as below

ABOVE – Richard Todd hands over a new Ferguson Tractor for The Highland Fund to Lord Malcolm Douglas Hamilton – Lady Hamilton takes the driver’s seat and Catherine Todd Richard’s wife looks on

A blown up picture of Richard Todd from that same photograph. I at first thought that he had been up in Scotland for the filming of Rob Roy but then remembered that in all the pictures at that time. he was bearded.

Looking further this photograph was from the Arbroath Journal of July 1954

Catherine looking happy and very attractive

Lord Douglas Hamilton had married only the previous year in 1953 – It was his second marriage and her fourth.

Sadly Lord Douglas Hamilton was killed in a light plane crash in Cameroon in 1964 along with his son. Lady Hamilton actually lived to the age of 103 and died quite recently in 2013, 58 years or so after her husband’s death.

Richard Todd and his wife had been in Scotland for the premier of ‘Rob Roy, The Highland Rogue’ and whilst there met an Industrialist John Rollo who had designed a tractor to cope with the steep Highland fields. The Highland Fund was a Government body helping fund the small acre farmers / crofters and Richard Todd had been asked to do the presentation of this tractor to Lord Malcolm Douglas Hamilton

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