Crow Hollow 1952

This was a good British Thriller that had a strong storyline and actors who were well up to the task of setting the ‘creepy’ scenes’ and making us all quite uneasy.

Natasha Parry, I always liked and thought how attractive she was

Crow Hollow is home to a somewhat eccentric family – and in that family is a Doctor who takes his newlywed bride to live there.The home is largely occupied by his Aunts ,an outwardly genial but really rather peculiar breed.One is a devoted spider collector ,having several large poisonous specimens around the house ,another busies herself with “good works”and one is a home maker with an obsessive interest in order and tidiness.

Soon the new bride begins to feel unwelcome -not surprising given she has a close encounter with a venomous spider and is fed poisoned drinks .It appears that for whatever reason, members of the family want rid of her and to see her replaced by a nubile young woman named Willow

It is very much a watchable B movie – I imagine that it would have gone out as a good supporting film on the cinema circuit

Back to the story – Dr. Armour Donald Houston, marries Ann and then barely shows her any attention at all and completely dismisses her concerns–and she has plenty! It’s obvious this is no match made in heaven. So why did the Doctor marry her and exactly what is going on in this weird mansion filled with his strange people?

Could someone really be attempting to kill her?

ABOVE – Esme Cannon

This is a pretty good mystery/suspense picture which is quite exciting and with a nice ending. Worth seeing with strong performances all around and a well written story.

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