By the Light of the Silvery Moon

My daughters used to love this film and having it on Video meant that  we watched it regularly.  Here again the Technicolor from the early Fifties is in my view is unsurpassed and this is shown to great effect in this film.

On saying that – the poster below is in Black and White so it certainly does not do justice to the Colour !!!



Doris Day moving towards the peak of her career here and Gordon MacRae who never quite seemed to get top star billing that often – although he was in Carousel not long after this.

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2 Responses to “By the Light of the Silvery Moon”

  1. John Ward says:

    Yes indeed a delightful film made when films entertained and not forgetting it’s ‘sister’ or companion film in the same vein titled ‘On Moonlight Bay’ which basically had the same characters in and with some good musical and dance numbers in it with obviously ‘On Moonlight Bay’ of course. Happy days indeed.

    • Movieman says:

      Yes John. I think this followed On Moonlight Bay which was great too. Thanks for your comment. Doris Day was certainly able to carry this style of film so well – just before Calamity Jane. She was indeed a STAR.

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