Behind the Scenes – TV Drama

I took these colour pictures from a Children’s Book from Christmas 1960 showing ‘behind the scenes’ preparation for what looks like major drama. At first I thought that the sets looked too lavish for a TV programme of that era but looking more closely there are Television cameras as opposed to film cameras.

BELOW – this looks more a a Drawing Room type play – lovely set though

ABOVE – No real idea of the actual play in the two scenes – snow outside.

I am trying to guess – could it be something like ‘The Holly and the Ivy’ or maybe ‘Waters of the Moon’ or what about ‘Dr Finlay’s Casebook’

Probably none of these – but I will re-read the book and try tro ascertain just what this studio play is.

Fascinating – also seeing these pictures in Colour when the drama would not be shown in Colour adds another dimension.

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