Whiteoaks of Jalna

Can anyone help with this – I seem to remember seeing a Television series on the Jalna books way back in the early / mid seventies screened I think on ITV in the early afternoon titled ‘Whiteoaks of Jalna’

There were apparently 16 Jalna books featuring the Whiteoaks family over a century and for whatever reason the books didn’t necessariy follow on in any sort of date order.

The Author of these hugely successful books was Mazo de la Roche and in many ways the stories seemed like a TV screen writer’s dream – several generations of colourful characters living under one roof, lots of action, intrigue and humour, in a story spanning decades.

Film or TV Companies should have been able to turn this into another Forsyte Saga – maybe still could

The 16-novel soap-opera series about a nineteenth-century Ontario family, the Whiteoaks, and their home, Jalna, has sold over 11 million copies.

Has anyone got a video or DVD of this please.

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