The Son of Captain Blood


I can remember seeing this and remember it as a good adventure film. Sean Flynn the son of legendary actor Errol Flynn attempted to do what his Dad had done so successfully – and so a lot of interest went into that aspect which I think was a little unfair.

In real life he did in fact seem, more of an adventurer than his father had been. He made more films than I had realised and this is the only one I remember.

He died – it is believed – when travelling in Cambodia in 1971. At that time he was a photo /journalist – he had previously been in Vietnam at the time of the war and had seen some action there.

He was only 29 when he died – just a bit older than Errol Flynn had been when he made Robin Hood


Son of Captain Blood


Here it is showing at the Regal in Aberdeen along with The Scarlet Blade – Jack Hefley, Lionel Jeffries and Oliver Reed


Regal Aberdeen


Filmed in Technicolor it was another swashbuckler – which I admit I rather like


The Scarlet Blade was filmed in Dyaliscope – which I had never heard of – it was another wide screen Cinemascope like format and The Scarlet Blade was in Hammerscope – as was ‘The Abominable Snowman’ I think


The Scarlet Blade 1962


ABOVE: In swashbuckling terms – this must be one of the best Double Features that you could get


The Scarlet Blade  – Royalist have been driven underground  in 1648 and are now concerned with rescuing King Charles I and kelping him escape  to safety.   Charles is now held prisoner by Colonel Lionel Jeffries and Captain Oliver Reed of Oliver Cromwell’s Roundheads – they are taking The King to London for trial

Lionel Jeffries has set up headquarters in the manor of the Beverleys who were Royalists now dispossessed of their property.

Lionel Jeffries is a real baddie and certainly not living the spartan puritan life that the Roundheads  preach about. He’s even got a marriage arranged for his daughter June Thorburn to Oliver Reed but she is a  secret Royalist who is in love with Jack Hedley  – the elder of the two Beverley brothers who is the leader of a group of Royalists.

The Scarlet Blade 1962 2

The Scarlet Blade –


The Scarlet Blade 1962 3

The Scarlet Blade

The Scarlet Blade 1962 4

The Scarlet Blade

Jack Hedley an actor who we often saw on Television – he may not have been the best known actor in TV and films or the best paid by any means, but he was lucky enough to be left a five-bedroom house in Eaton Square, one of the most expensive residential areas in London – by his mother.

Jack is still alive I am pleased to say – and has had a long and reasonably successful film career

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