The Signalman – A Ghostly Story with Denholm Elliott

We saw this famous Charles Dickeens Story done as a stage play a few months ago at the Lincoln Theatre Royal. Brilliantly done with special sound effects and smoke to add to the atmosphere as we sat in the stalls and could almost see the train speeding towards us – all illusion of course but how good it was.

This adaptation on Talking picture starred Denholm Elliott in the main role as the Signalman evertually telling his story to the stranger – and what a story it was. I think that it was originally a BBC Production.

BELOW: The Signalman does his job – day in and day out.

BELOW: The Stranger arrives

This was a perfect adaptation of a ghost story. The location is right – actually at Bewdley on the Severn Valley Railway and the performances beautifully measured – and the atmosphere engulfs the viewer

The adaptation stays loyal to the story.

Denholm Elliott standing at the mouth of the tunnel as smoke billows out behind him after the collision and the night shot of the stranger returning to the inn are quite remarkable.

An extremely good version of a great and ghostly story leaving us shivering just a little.

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