The House on Marsh Road 1960


Husband David (Tony Wright) is an unsuccessful writer –   His wife Jean Linton is played by (Patricia Dainton).  The pair live in a succession of boarding houses, suffering from a  lack of money.


Their luck suddenly changes – or seems to – with the death of Jean’s auntie who has left her a house in the country.

The House in Marsh Road 1960 4


ABOVE – Patricia Dainton and her husband David 

David is all for selling the house and a good offer is made


When Jean refuses he finds alternative entertainment in the form of local girl Mrs Stockley (Sandra Dorne ) supposedly employed as his typist.  Jean, meanwhile, is comforted by local estate agent Derek Aylward.  


Gradually David comes round to the idea of murdering his wife for her inheritance.


The House in Marsh Road 1960


The House in Marsh Road 1960 3


The House in Marsh Road 1960 2


The film is  75% domestic murder story, 25% supernatural thriller. Jean inherits a house, moves her drunken no good partner David in, and he meets someone else, a voluptuous blonde, Valerie Stockley. Valerie persuades David to kill his wife, but Jean is protected by a poltergheist,  named Patrick by the potty Irish maid Mrs O’Brien.

It’s unusual to say the least.  Patricia Dainton appeared in some good  films in the 50’s and 60’s, including The Third Alibi, and once again she’s pretty good. Sandra Dorne too is really good in her role.

Directed by veteran Montgomery Tully, The House in Marsh Road  is an interesting theme in combining a crime drama with a supernatural one


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