Roger Moore in York – September 2014

Roger Moore in YorkOnly last month on September 24 th. 2014, we travelled to the York Opera House to see Roger Moore in his touring Show in which he recounts with great humour and brilliant story telling ability  his very early days as an extra on Caesar and Cleopatra at Denham Film Studios through his early Hollywood days then back to England for Ivanhoe on TV then The Saint,  The Persuaders with Tony Curtis on to Bond.

What a great night it was for us film fans.

Sir Roger was introduced onto the stage to rapturous applause and he certainly gave us all a memorably entertaining evening – one I am sure that we will remember for a long long time.

Roger covered almost every area of his film career but he did talk at some length about the film out of all his career that he is most proud of – namely The Man Who Haunted Himself  based on the story The Strange Case of Mr.Pelham.

See the thrilling Trailer to this film below :-

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