Lex Barker – Jurgen Klinsmann – How alike they are !!!


 Don’t these TWO look so alike !!!

Above:   Former Tarzan star – Lex Barker   and below footballer Jurgen Klinsman

Above: Jurgen Klinsmann – Footballer and USA World Cup Manager. Jürgen Klinsmann was born 30 July 1964 in Goppingen, Stuttgart, Germany. How strikingly alike these TWO look – I have noticed this for a number of years – every time I saw Klinsmann I was always aware of how much he looked like Lex Barker who played Tarzan in five films of the early fifties.

Interestingly Lex Barker, later in his career, found that he was unable to get the parts he wanted in Hollywood and so moved to Germany in 1957 where he stayed until late in the sixties – and this turned out to be his most successful time film-wise. Lex Barker - Bravo Magazine [Germany] (29 August 1964)    

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