Classic Western ‘Double Bill’

Rancho Notorious and Johnny Guitar on at the Castro Theatre San Francisco

Just come across the wonderful Double Bill which is showing in San Francisco later this month a Western Double Bill  of 50s Westerns : Fritz Lang’s Rancho Notorious (1952) and Johnny Guitar (1954).

Below: Two pictures of the interior of this Theatre. Looks very stylish.

Rancho Notorious is a 35mm print. I hadn’t seen this film until about 5 years ago although I remember it well in terms of the promotion when it came out but I  didn’t realise until it was on Television in England that it was made in Colour. Good film though I now realise.

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Visitors to San Francisco look out for an iconic landmark – the Castro Theatre. Built in 1922, the Castro Theatre is arguably the grandest place in San Francisco to see a film – not just the old classics – the Castro Theatre shows the full range of film formats, from classic black-and-whites, to  3D favourites.
Just buy a ticket at the window, venture into the grand screening room, and sink into your plush velvet chair. Take in the music wafting from the organ, manned by a live organist before each show – the lights dim, the screen begins to glow, and you become part of film history.
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