Richard Greene as Robin Hood – a 1991 film

We all know this TV series that took TV Worldwide by storm in the late fifties – with Richard Greene well cast as Robin Hood.

I did not know though that in 1991 a film version was released on video – a feature film length and would you believe colorised – and colorised well. This consisted of a number of episodes incidents from the series cleverly put together.

I have ordered this and await its arrival – can’t wait to see it. It cried out for being made in Colour

Have look at this clip ABOVE

This is an extract from it – as our the screen images below :

Richard Greene in great form as Robin Hood

Richard Greene in great form as Robin Hood tis time with his trusty bow and arrow

ABOVE and BELOW : The famous quarter staff fight with Little John – Not that well done here really I thought but looks better in colour

BELOW – Bernadette O Farrell as Marian

This film is culled (quite seamlessly, unlike most other edited together ) from the TV series) which legendary and known and sold all over the world.

The film has been beautifully colorised, and the colours look real and natural, not faded or washed out.

Someone seems to have taken their time in producing it – in fact a labour of love that really stands out. If I were to make a list of the great action films this would not be at the top but it would feature

This is a film that is fun, exciting, and easy to watch – it should have got a cinema release.

posted by Movieman in Uncategorized and have Comments (6)

6 Responses to “Richard Greene as Robin Hood – a 1991 film”

  1. Hayden says:

    I love this! I hope I can find these on DVD or online as unfortunately I do not have a video player

  2. I think they made 3 films

    • Movieman says:

      You may well be right on that Robert. It certainly was a hugely successful series Worldwide. Probably the first of the British TV series productions that did that. Neil

  3. Robert says:

    Have you seen this little book on the tv series Neil.
    Lots of behind the scene photos.?

  4. Robert says:

    Your welcome Neil

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