A Technicolor Western from Columbia directed by Fred Sears has a running time of just over an hour and during that short time, we get a good story and plenty of action.

Phil Carey and Dorothy Patrick were the stars and in truth I did not know of them at all – nor any of the other members of the cast. Nevertheless they all pulled together to bring us a good little film.
The series of pictures below are from a thrilling sequence close to the end of the film

Fred Sears the Director had regularly been used by Columbia because he could bring a film in under or on budget and usually they were reasonably successful. Fred died very young at the age of 44 following a heart attack.
He had some really good ones in his portfolio as well as not so good such as ‘The Giant Claw’ but that was not his fault – he had completed the film and left the special effects to others who, constrained by finance, rather let Fred down with the ludicrous giant bird

This film had gorgeous scenery and a spirited plot making it just as enjoyable as many other Columbia westerns from the 1950s.

The film was shot on location in Utah, and the photography by Lester White is stunning – there are a number of great shots of the stuntmen handling the horses with great skill.

If you’re a Western fan, you’ll enjoy the bit where an abused horse ties one of the baddies to a tree – really getting his revenge

All in all, a film well worth seeing
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