What a Red Letter day it is for us Film Fans – This afternoon May 25th 2024, Talking Pictures will be showing this classic Walt Disney film.
Don’t Miss It !!
I am repeating BELOW an earlier article on this FILM which covers much of the story and scenes from the Technicolor print.
Much more about this film on www.disneysrobin.blogspot.com

A Poster at the time of release I think it is possible that this went with a later release

A Story Book Opening
This was only the second live-action Disney feature film! Treasure Island (1950) was first – and that too, was made in England at Denham Film Studios as this one was. It is a favourite film of mine and always has been with it’s stunning Technicolor and beautiful sets and locations perfectly evoking the age which we all probably have in our mind’s eye.
At the beginning of the story, our hero (Richard Todd) is doing some target practice in Sherwood Forest – actually filmed in Burnham Beeches Buckinghamshire which looks the part in every way.
He is joined in this scene by Maid Marion – the lovely Joan Rice – who proves to be somewhat mischevous
She’s been teasing him by moving his target all the time so he misses.
ABOVE A scene in Sherwood – Burnham Beeches in reality or could be one of those first class Studio Sets at Denham
ABOVE – A ‘live’ scene with additional painted Matte by Peter Ellenshaw the master of this fascinating art.
He has never been bettered.
ABOVE – Queen Eleanor (Martita Hunt) has a major role in the plot. She is a force to be reckoned with. King Richard (Patrick Barr) CENTRE and Prince John (Hubert Gregg) FAR LEFT
As soon as Richard and his troops have left in one direction, and the Queen Mother and her retinue (including Maid Marian, her newest lady-in-waiting) have departed in another, Prince John starts to plot. He begins by appointing a new Sheriff of Nottingham (Peter Finch)
This Prince John brilliantly played by Hubert Gregg ABOVE
ABOVE – Another scene which marries a ‘live’ scene with a beautifully painted Matte by Peter Ellenshaw
We hear lots of songs from Allan-a-Dale (Elton Hayes), a traveling minstrel who serves as a narrator linking the story episodes together.
The Archery Contest – This must have been filmed quite early on in the production because the trees are nowhere near in full leaf.
Filming started on 30 April 1951 for ‘The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Man’
Maid Marian presents Robin with the Golden Arrow ABOVE – however the Sheriff of Nottingham does not look pleased BELOW
ABOVE – One of the Sheriff’s henchman Red Gill murders Robin’s father in the forest.
Robin tests the Whistling Arrow before unleashing it – right into his Camp pictured BELOW in order to alert his fellow outlaws
ABOVE – Robin Hood’s Camp deep in Sherwood – actually a superb studio set covering one of the enormous sound stages at Denham
ABOVE – Little John (James Robertson Justice) challenges Robin on the bridge over the deep stream in Sherwood – another breathtakingly good set from designer Carmen Dillon – in my view she was at her absolute peak with this film – and in terms of set design she was just about as good as you could get. Walt Disney certainly knew that – and the results proved him right

More action on the bridge – ABOVE and BELOW
BELOW – Robin takes a ducking
BELOW – Friar Tuck played by James Hayter comes into contact with Robin – in the period and in fact in this year 1952, he played the title role in ‘The Pickwick Papers’ and took a lead role in this one – a big film with a Worldwide release courtesy of Walt Disney

BELOW – Peter Ellenshaw with another Matte Painting – the riders shown approaching the gate are the only real part of the scene – cinema magic from a Master of the Art
BELOW at Windsor Castle, word has arrived that King Richard has been captured while on his way home from a failed crusade mission, and ransom is being sought.
The Archbishop of Canterbury (Anthony Eustrel) and Queen Eleanor discuss how to raise the ransom money Above Scene
ABOVE Marian looks troubled and a little angry until she hears the truth
She accuses him of stealing things, and he insists he’s an honest outlaw who only steals to give money to the poor. Also, he learns from her that Maid Marian is missing, and he the hurries off to rescue her (she’s been locked in a dungeon by Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham ).
Marian is so happy and relieved to be rescued. However when they escape from the Castle Robin is wounded but he manages to fight off the Sheriff of Nottingham who perishes
Doesn’t she make a pretty outlaw?
Marian and Friar Tuck nurse Robin back to health in his woodland stronghold. ABOVE
Enter a stranger – the Black Knight ABOVE
The Black Knight is not initially well received by the outlaws but they soon discover who he really is
The Black Knight is actually King Richard, and he pardons Robin Hood and all his Merrie Men. He then he orders Marion and Robin to get marry
Happiness ensues.
A romantic embrace
Allan-a-Dale skips away into the sunset – still singing his songs
If you really want to read more about this wonderful film I can thoroughly recommend that you go to www.disneysrobin.blogspot.com
TPTV’s presentation of THE STORY OF ROBIN HOOD this afternoon was excellent, with vivid colour and a very clear image and good sound. Far better than the Region 1 Disney club DVD of the film that I bought years ago and which was itself transferred from an old VHS video tape. TPTV always does its audience proud with high quality presentations.