Olympicolor – who knows anything about this ??

This article headed ‘ A Black and White Film that turns to Colour ! ‘ is from the Cinema Studio Magazine of 23 February 1949. I can find no reference to this film process anywhere – it seems like a ‘too good to be true’ claim but if it were to be successful then it would have revolutionised filming at that time. Maybe it was snapped up / bought out by one of the big players who feared what this could do. The article begins ‘ A New Colour system which requires only normal panchromatic stock and processing and which is effective with any camera and projector is being put on the market. By addition of an inexpensive optical unit to camera and to Projector the system, it is claimed, produces full colour from a Black and White positive print’ Olympicolor Process 1949What a wonderful and inexpensive process – Whatever happened to it ? Olympicolor Process Article   This could have – and should have – revolutionised film making and given us many more colour films of the era.

I have looked and looked again throughout records both online and in  print, and can find no reference to this Colour Process at all except for this one in the magazine – except that sadly there is a reference in The London Gazette on both  28 May 1954 and 22 October 1954 with no detail other than the name, which makes me believe that this company went out of business at that time.

I would love to know what happened – as it seems that this simple process could have done so much for us all. Maybe someone bought it out at that point to safeguard the other well known colour film companies. Who Knows ?

However, if anyone has any information, please contact us.

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One Response to “Olympicolor – who knows anything about this ??”

  1. R Prey says:

    Olympicolor sounds like a reboot of Kinemacolor. http://www.widescreenmuseum.com/oldcolor/kinemaco.htm. Marty at WSM has some other systems, too.

    Early US colour tv (1950s) by CBS used spinning filters in camera and on the home set. It almost became the standard. Luckily RCA with its all electronic (tube) system became the best road to the future of colour tv. See http://www.thoughtco.com/color-television-history-4070934 for more

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