As anyone reading the articles I post on this site will know, I am a real fan of this type of Poster. These Double Bills were often when a re-run of the films came round – I suppose we were getting a real bonus – I always thought that was true !
These are good examples BELOW – but cheating a little, as they are not all from the Fifties as everyone will know
I watched quite a lot of ‘She’ a few weeks ago and liked it
Double Bill
ABOVE – ‘Scars of Dracula’ was one of the later ones from Hammer and I do know ‘The Horror of Frankenstein’ was from 1970 and had the very last film appearance of Joan Rice who played the part of the wife of Dennis Price. Both of these actors had seen better days career-wise. Dennis Price had been a very big star of the late forties and early fifties and was a very fine actor. His key role in ‘Kind Hearts and Coronets’ was nothing shore of brilliant. He had the misfortune to pick – or was given – some pretty poor films after that.
ABOVE – Both films from 1957 = both American films and released together in the USA on this Double Bill. Beverley Garland was in ‘Not of this Earth’ – I remember her for one of the Bomba films. Coincidentally on this programme in ‘Attack of the Crab Monsters’ the leading man was Richard Garland.
Reading more about him he and Beverley were married in 1951 but divorced in 1953 but they both continued their acting careers and were in films paired together here
ABOVE – Not really a Double Bill but I really like ‘The Maze’ apparently filmed originally in 3D
ABOVE – Oliver Reed in an early film
and BELOW :A Very good Double Bill here. These two films were very well made and anyone seeing them on the same bill would get plenty for their money
Double Bill
ABOVE – ‘The Evil of Frankenstein’ with an unusual and very interesting film ‘Nightmare’ – a good storyline :-
When was an eleven year-old child, Janet witnessed her insane mother stabbing her father to death on their bed. Six years later, Janet (Jennie Linden) is a wealthy teenager outcast in a boarding school afflicted by dreadful nightmares and fearing to have inherited her mother´s insanity.
After a series of nightmares, her teacher Mary Lewis (Brenda Bruce) brings Janet home and she is welcomed by the family chauffeur John (George A. Cooper), by his wife and housekeeper Mrs. Gibbs (Irene Richmond) and by the beautiful nurse Grace Maddox (Moira Redmond), who was hired as a companion by her guardian Henry Baxter (David Knight).
However Janet continues to have nightmares with a woman (Clytie Jessop) with a scar on her face and wearing a white shroud wandering in the house and stabbed on her parents´ bed. After trying to commit suicide, two doctors and Henry summon Janet to the living room to decide whether she should go to an asylum.
When Henry brings his wife to the room, Janet sees the woman with scar and stabs her to death. She is sent to an institution and soon a diabolical plot is disclosed.
“Nightmare” is an underrated and unknown thriller by Hammer, with a great story of greed and insanity.
Jennie Linden was a late replacement for Julie Christie who had a better film offer.
ABOVE – Not so much a ‘Double Bill’ but What a Line-up
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