Fabian of Scotland Yard – with Bruce Seton

I have recently been asked about a British TV Series which was, it seems, also shown in the USA.

Peter asks and describes the opening sequence and I think this could be the series ‘ Fabian of Scotland Yard’

So here we go again

Who could forget this excellent BBC Television series in the mid 1950s – Bruce Seton was Fabian  in our eyes – such was the impact of the show.

I must admit I loved this series – particularly the Opening Sequence – when Bruce Seton as Fabian, sitting in the back seat of a speeding Humber Hawk said in a terse voice ‘This is Fabian – Of Scotland Yard’

Great stuff !!

Bruce Seton 2

ABOVE – Bruce Seton as Fabian of Scotland Yard

Fabian of the Yard
Fabian of the Yard 2
Fabian of the Yard 3

ABOVE – Bruce Seton in Scenes from an episode of  Fabian of Scotland Yard

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