For some reason I had it in my head that this was a Francis Durbridge story adapted from a TV serial – they usually ran over six weeks – but I was wrong and it was not one of his at all. I must admit the title s like one of hios and watching the film, it seemed to move along in that style.
I was wrong though.
Nevertheless it was an absorbing and intriguing storyline where we never know quite what was going on as we were transported scene to scene in and around London and the Home Counties

A plane crash sets the story in motion, where a man is killed – or is he ?

ABOVE – Joan Scott ( Betty McDouwall) hears that her husband has been killed in the plane crash and here is comforted by her friend Pam Jennings ( Clare Owen)

ABOVE and BELOW: Bill Vernon ( Vincent Ball ) chats with Pam and Joan

Joan is devastated and just cannot believe that her husband has gone – and strange things then start to happen

ABOVE : Col Justin ( Geoffrey Toone) is now involved and a crashed car leads to more developments. Bill Vernon assists him.

Bill Vernon chats with Pam/
All in all a very entertaining film
Betty McDowell was a n Australian actress who cam to England and had quite a success in films like this one, and on the West End Stage but I was intrigued to see that she also played Laura Archer on Radio in ‘The Archers’
Vincent Ball was another Australian who came here and was in quite a number of films and Television dramas. He did go back to Australia and is still alive at the age of 100. He did play a part in Australia as recently as 2014 when he was a mere 91
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