To a Cinema Near You !!
This is a selection of what we had on offer – and I reckon many of us would remember most of them. When you look at these posters they were really cleverly produced in such a way as to convey the excitement, and even a sense of what we would see on the screen.
We just had to go and see it at the Cinema.

I remember seeing ‘The Indian Fighter’ on the big, wide screen and although it was good, it doesn’t particularly stand out in my memory like some films do.
I am surprised to see it is shown along with a Walt Disney short

Walt Disney with another winner ‘Pinocchio’ in Technicolor. Dont remember ‘Miss Robinson Crusoe’ though

ABOVE – We knew what we were in for with this one just by seeing the two stars Judy Garland and Gene Kelly. What a supporting cast too with Eddie Bracken, Gloria de Haven, Marjorie Main and Phil Silvers

ABOVE – Jane Powell and Farley Granger in ‘Small Town Girl’. When I think of Farley Granger, in my head I can’t think past ‘Strangers on a Train’ the Alfred Hitchcock film with Robert Walker. It was on Television very recently and I watched a lot of it. I didn’t much care for Farley Granger in this

Now the one ABOVE would definitely draw me in – just the sort of film I would go for.

‘The Unguarded Moment’ in Techicolor starred George Nader and Esther Williams – introduced to the screen John Saxon who went on to have a very long career.

‘Wyoming Renegades’ has a good title for a Western shown with ‘Operation Manhunt’ and even a Colour Cartoon ‘The Band Master’

What surprises me about the film showing ABOVE is the linking of these two films on the same bill. Still maybe it was thought that the audience would like a complete contrast.

ABOVE – We have pop singer Guy Mitchell in this film ‘Red Garters’

Now the Double Bill ABOVE would be a great attaction for filmgoers

This time – in 1958, we get a different coupling for these films – I think that ‘The Snorkel’ is a very good story and good, well acted film – an All-British fare
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