Cliff Richard in Serious Charge 1959

Cliff’s career had only just got under way when he appeared in this film – released in 1959 it was SERIOUS CHARGE


The story really centred around Anthony Quayle as a vicar trying to help young people with a youth club and being wrongly accused of bad things.

It was a strong storyline and Cliff had a minor role but still managed to sing three songs.  The film is remembered and billed as being a Cliff Richard movie but he was little involved.

Anthony Quayle was a very good actor and appeared in a lot of films. He was married in real life to Dorothy Hysen who had appeared some years earlier with George Formby in Spare a Copper.

Quayle always had a very serious appearance – in fact he was said by Sir John Geilgud as having a face like ‘two tins of condemned veal’ – a little harsh maybe.

In the same year as this Anthony Quayle appeared as the leading baddie in Tarzans Greatest Adventure with Gordon Scott in the title role. Sean Connery was also in the movie and came to a sticky end with an arrow through his chest.

Cliff on the other hand was just getting into gear and he would have already released Move It and his  first Number One ‘Living Doll’ was actually featured in this film – something I had forgotten until seeing the above poster.

He was at this time with The Drifters who shortly after this became The Shadows to avoid confusion with the American ‘ Drifters’.

I remember Cliff coming to appear in our local town and after the concert he was introduced to selected local girls – one of which I knew at the time – and following a hand shake he said to the girl ‘I bet you won’t wash your hands for a week now’.  This did not impress her and she promptly went off and had a wash. It was probably just one of those type of things we all say and then regret. Funny how such silly little stories stick with us.  I am pretty sure he appeared on the same bill as Wee Willie Harris and The Bachelors – not the Irish Group though.

He stayed  in our town at the Devon Hotel which is no longer there now.



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