During lockdown and even before, I had got fed up with the constant stream of gloomy news from the media peddling the same old gloom and doom whether it be Brexit of Coronovirus. So I took to buying CDs of old radio plays such as Lord Peter Wimsey and Sexton Blake.
Then more recently I came across another interesting programme and quite by accident at that. It was Dr Morelle which was on BBC Radio 4 Extra
In 1957 a new Radio series began featuring sleuth Dr Morelle played by Cecil Parker

Dr. Morelle is referred to as a Harley Street Doctor of Psychiatry, specialising in criminal psychology. He is also possessed of an unshakable confidence in his opinions, conclusions and psychological impressions of virtually everyone he meets.
He his also not without his own eccentricities for instance we learn that he is afraid of going up stairs – which he admitted was a throwback to his childhood.
He was introduced in a thirteen-week comedy-detective drama, A Case for Dr. Morelle, featuring successful Film actor Cecil Parker as Dr. Morelle and Sheila Sim as Miss Frayle.
Cecil Parker was an inspired choice, having portrayed several Film characters with many of Dr. Morelle’s traits and aloofness.
The programme was an instant hit. Dr. Morelle is reintroduced in the first episode by way of a chance meeting with his ‘former’ assistant Miss Frayle.
Miss Frayle comes to Dr. Morelle hoping to enlist his interest in the problem of an acquaintance of hers. Dr. Morelle, has just lost his assistant of many years and spends as much in the first episode solving a murder as trying to win Miss Frayle back as his assistant.
This first episode, Alarm Call, also gives Cecil Parker an opportunity to establish his characterisation of Dr. Morelle.
Cecil Parker was a gifted international character actor, who was as at ease playing straight dramatic roles as light comedy which suited this role well.
As is the case in more recent Radio and Television shows , we get a compelling preview portion of the story before the theme music and announcement of the episode’s title.
Robert Beatty – Another Radio drama character

In very recent times, again on BBC Radio 4 Extra I came across Destination – Fire! Stories of a Fire Investigator which had been originally on the BBC Light Programme (1962-1966)
This starred Robert Beatty in the lead role here in these half hour episodes which cleverly manage to set the scene, establish the possible crime and solve it by the end – as well as introducing all the characters
looking for the theme tune i hear on the radio program… hopefully to get sheet music or composer. thanks
I have just listened to a episode of this called the Black ruby and found it very good.always liked Cecil Parker good in straight roles or comedy.will be listening to the other 12..
Robert. That is a coincidence – I have purchased recently the full 13 episodes and have listened to them all over the past few weeks. It must always be difficult to outline the plot, come to the crime, and then have it solved by Dr Morelle plus familiarise us listeners with the characters all in the space of 30 minutes. However I agree with you that episode was very good and so are the rest. He is certainly an interesting character – quite rude and direct but entertaining. There was a 1949 film with Valentine Dyall as Dr Morelle which I must see. Valentine Dyall receives very good reviews for his portrayal
Yes Neil I agree with the character being rude and direct which I think Cecil Parker was good at always good in snooty parts .
I was reading the imdb on that film and it sounds very good.and Valentine Dyall is always good to watch.
Robert. I too am trying to locate this film and will let you know if I do. Meantime I think we are having trouble with yhour emails – I do not know what is going on but
but I am duplicating the film you want and it will be with you shortly I hop. Thanks again. Neil
Thank you very much Neil,
Hi everyone, I’ve only just stumbled upon this site but you may want to have a look at radio echoes.com
Hi Kirsty and welcome,I have been on that site and at the moment I’m listing to the Paul Temple series.