The Legend: The legend of Brigadoon is the story of a mythical village in the Scottish Highlands. The village became enchanted centuries ago remaining unchanged and invisible to the outside world except for one special day every hundred years when it could be seen and even visited by outsiders. This enchanted day is spent in joy and celebration. Those who happen upon Brigadoon may remain in this beguiling place only if they love another enough to give up the world outside.
Visitors were even allowed to stay but if anyone left the village during the enchanted day, then the miracle would be broken and it would mean the end for them all!
The 1966 Version of ‘Brigadoon’ stars Robert Goulet and Sally Anne Howes
Many people,were severely disappointed with the 1954 MGM film.The problem with it was that the studios handed it over to a (very talented) song and dance man – Gene Kelly.He cut quite a few of the songs,and extended the dance sequences but it just became something that wasn’t Brigadoon anymore.

However the 1966 film is a beautiful Version Of ‘Brigadoon’ ! With The Voices Of Sally Ann Howes, And Robert Goulet
This 1966 version sets the record straight,and given that it was the last film version, it has to be good, and it is. Yes,there are many stage versions,but some musicals require a film treatment,and this is one,and gets the sympathetic treatment it deserves.
Anyone who knows Scotland knows that there ARE in the Highlands, glens, lochs and mountains where it is still so quiet and set apart that sometimes you can really believe that somewhere there IS Brigadoon, just over your shoulder.

This is a review by Ray Kemper, CBS Audio Engineer, retired.
I was the audio engineer on this production and enjoyed every minute of working on it. Robert Goulet was extremely professional and very nice to work with, as were all the cast members. Fielder Cook was an excellent director and catered to my wishes for carefully crafted audio. We shot the production at CBS Television City, in Los Angeles, plus location shooting. It was aired on ABC. Unfortunately, I did not keep a copy of it. I believe ABC destroyed the original but, if anyone out there ever locates a copy, please let me know. I would dearly love to have it in my files. Thank you.

This wonderful production also had the cast album. One favorite song was “My Mother’s Wedding Day” sung by “Meg Brockie” – Marlyn Mason.
This was the one song that was left out of the 1954 Gene Kelly/Cyd Charisse version
Very different from the 1954 film, this Brigadoon was quietly romantic and vividly atmospheric. With Robert Goulet and Sally Ann Howes, of course there was singing, but not in the Hollywood production number style.

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