Anthony Steel – Where No Vultures Fly

This was filmed out in Africa over quite a few months – and it took Anthony Steel, Dinah Sheridan– and a very young William Simon – child star who later went on to be famous as Alf Ventress in the long running TV show – Heartbeat. Anthony SteelAbove – Anthony Steel in smiling pose and Below More serious. Anthony Steel     Anthony Steel prepares for Film Premier These pictures were taken after the film was completed it seems and as this film was chosen for the Royal Performance of that time, preparations were being made. In the picture above Anthony Steel has a fitting for his new suit for when he attends the Royal Premier on 5th November 1951. It is reported as being the second most popular film in the UK in 1951 / 1952

Where No Vultures Fly Above and Below – Scenes from the filmWhere No Vultures Fly Scene

Where No Vultures Fly (1951) is, in many ways, an overlooked Ealing film of the early 1950s,  a colonial action-adventure.  Yet it was an important film in late 1951/early 1952: a huge financial hit for the studio (one of the top performing British films of 1952), screened for the 1951 Royal Command Performance.

A picture that looks so good in Technicolor – the film was shot entirely on location in Africa so this beautiful colour process really enhanced it.
I always maintain that, at that time, none of us would have ventured into such exotic and beautiful location, and if we saw travel film on early TV, it would be in Black and White of course. So to see such as this on the large cinema screen was almost breath-taking – and this would have been a major draw to film goers.
Walt Disney had realised the power and  Box Office potential of wild life filming in Colour – as he had produced a number of his True Life features – very successfully.

Where No Vulture Fly was released  as Ivory Hunters in the USA.

Anthony Steel returned to Africa to film West of Zanzibar (1954). In this one  he played the same character – as did William Simon as his son. However this time,  Sheila Sim played Anthony Steel’s wife

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