Walt Disney with Bobby Driscoll

These pictures were taken after Treasure Island when they were back in Hollywood and maybe two to three years later

Walt Disney and Bobby Driscoll

Walt Disney and Bobby Driscoll

Image from: https://classiccinemacorner.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/bobby-driscoll-disneys-first-fallen-child-star/
Image from: https://classiccinemacorner.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/bobby-driscoll-disneys-first-fallen-child-star/

One of Bobby’s notable roles was as Peter Pan in 1953. Although he was approaching his teen years, he was perfect as Peter Pan in Walt Disney’s eyes, as Peter Pan would have been the same age.

Bobby had many qualities that matched Pete Pan. Although a fictional character from our childhood and means a lot to a whole generation.

Despite Peter Pan being his most successful role, his career quickly declined after this.

Image from: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/53902526768471010/?lp=true
Image from: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/53902526768471010/?lp=true

Not long after this film, he was dropped from his contract at Disney and left jobless. Bobby could no longer play the cute and charming little boy. He moved schools, started going by the name Robert, and started a new life.

A new life that was heavily influenced by drugs.

He did pick up a few more roles here and there, but away from Walt Disney he didn’t seem to have much appeal to other studios


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