Nyoka The Jungle Girl

Nyoka was played by Frances Gifford way back in 1941 – iinitially a serial with cliff hanger endings that saw Nyoka swing through the treetops of the African Jungle much like Tarzan was doing at the same time

This film came from Republic and was a great success for the Studio

Jungle adventure abound with lots of thrills along the way

This was a good production with a lot of outdoor sequences

Frances Gifford stars as Nyoka

With Tom Neal

Nyoka was loosely based on a character created by Edgar Rice Burroughs having introduced an Asian Heroine Princess Fountan in ‘The Land of Hidden Men’ in a serial in 1931

Republic Pictures purchased the rights to Jungle Girl and Frances Gifford was cast as Nyoka – however Republic created their own storyline.

One of Nyoka’s colleagues runs like crazy through the jungle to try to say her

ABOVE – A real cliff hanger as Nyoka tied to a stake has projectiles aimed at her which are held back by a carefully placed rope, that is slowly being burned through from a fire made by her enemies

Jungle adventure abound with lots of thrills along the way

Nypoka looks scared

The rope is slowly burning away – when will it give way and release the deadly spears

On to the next and last episode of this thrilling serial

Nyoka and Jack thank their jungle friends before flying off

Jungle adventure abound with lots of thrills along the way

‘The End’ with a jungle scene. I must admit that I really enjoyed this and it is recommended

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