Eddie Cochran

It’s hard to believe 62 years have passed since the tragic death of one of Rock n Roll’s greatest – the legendary Eddie Cochran.
It is hard to comprehend that he – like Buddy Holly – crammed so much into such a short musical career whilst only reaching the tender age of 21 years old. His extraordinary talent, thankfully, has not been forgotten and he continues to influence musicians, gaining younger generations of fans in the process.
Long live the memory and music of this great musician.
Eddie Cochran
Oct. 3rd, 1938 – April 17th, 1960

One of the true greats of the Rock n Roll era.

When it all kicked off, we had Elvis, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly and Eddie Cochran and you could also add Fats Domino and they defined the new Rock n Roll era

Eddie, Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly were originals who wrote their own material and performed it – in that regard Chuck Berry must have been way ahead of the others though – but they were all outstanding and iconic

In films Eddie appeared as himself in two films below :-

Go Johnny Go 1959

Untamed Youth 1957 ABOVE

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