Jon Hall as Ali Baba

This is an interesting and colourful picture of Jon Hall in costume on the set of Ali Baba and The Forty Thieves made in Technicolor.

Jon Hall as Ali Baba

It also starred Maria Montez who seemed to play opposite him in quite a few of these exotic colourful adventure films.

Jon Hall and Maria Montez


Maria Montez
This style of film and the actors involved were very popular at this time in the mid to late 40s  – such actors as Turhan Bey, Jon Hall and Maria Montez.  There was always seemed to be at least one scene where she emerged from a bath or swimming pool, quickly being discretely covered by large towels borne by hand-maidens.

There is a ‘cast of thousands’ in this one but most of the time the director does no more than fill the screen with people particularly in the battle scenes but I suppose that would be where they would be needed – and in film terms look most impressive.

Ali Baba has wicked caliphs and valiant freedom fighters battling it out in the Hollywood desert.

It all makes for colourful and very appealing entertainment.

posted by Movieman in Uncategorized and have Comments (7)

7 Responses to “Jon Hall as Ali Baba”

  1. David Rayner says:

    I went to see this film as a 14 year old when it was reissued in 1961 and for my money 13 years old Scotty Beckett (it was actually filmed in 1943) was totally wonderful throughout the first 18 minute reel as young Ali and the music score was first class. As soon as the changeover onto reel two occurred when Scotty ‘grew up’ into Jon Hall, the film lost all the charm of reel one and never recovered, becoming purely routine.

    • Movieman says:

      Interesting David. This is not a film I am familiar with but from what you say – and some of the reviews – it would seem a film that I would like. I came across the picture of John Hall on the film set – looking most dis-interested I would say – in one of the many Film Annuals / Books of the Fifties or earlier. Lovely colour plate though which seemed to be in the Annuals of the era – and for me, with a quality never bettered – very bright and glossy. Thank you again for your comments which are always appreciated.

  2. David Rayner says:

    Thank you, movieman. Yes, I have that colour plate. It’s in the very first Film Review annual by F. Maurice Speed, published in 1944. How they printed such wonderful books in London during the war with V1 and V2 rockets raining down on the capital was quite an achievement. By the way, for some reason, I have too post each comment twice before you can see it at your end,

    • Movieman says:

      David. I agree that these Annuals that we treasure are of such high quality considering, as you say, the difficulties of printers running their businesses in War Torn London at that time. I will look into the point you made about posting comments on this site – and see if we can fix it. Thanks, Neil

  3. Anneliese says:

    Today while visiting marienplatz in Munich, I saw a homeless person and he claims to be Jon All, actor of Ali Baba.
    I am writing this in case you have any possibility to help him. I am from Chile and I am going back to my country in two days.

  4. David Rayner says:

    Jon Hall died aged 64 in 1979 and would be 108 now if still alive.

  5. Anneliese says:

    Thank you for your answer. Can I send you an email ?

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