The Stars at Home – Ronald Colman

Before he left  and went to live at San Ysidro close to Santa Barbara,  Ronald Colman had lived at  1003 Summit Drive, in Beverley Hills

Ronald Colman and his Wife at Home

Above:  Ronald Colman and his wife Benita Hulme at Home in Beverley Hills

Ronald Colman and his Wife on Radio

Above:  Ronald Colman and his wife Benita Hulme on Radio with their very popular show ‘The Halls of Ivy’

Ronald Colman and his Wife 1954


Above:  Ronald Colman and his wife Benita Hulme on Radio Show  ‘The Halls of Ivy’ in 1954. Benita looks to have an impish sense of humour here – something their daughter said – that she taught he father to be much more fun and less serious. They were very happy though.

I always remember the story that Barry Norman told on The Hollywood Greats programme some years ago – that when his wife announced that she was pregnant with their daughter – he was by then in his early fifties – his reaction was to go very quiet and then ask  ‘What will Hollywood say’

Even then he was conscious of his image in Hollywood and film land.

When his daughter arrived though he became a very loving and doting father as , of course, he would

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