Ellis Powell – Mrs Dale on Radio – Her Son marries

I did an article on this Radio Actress a few months ago having acquired quite a bit of information from a Magazine article that Ellis Powell – famous as Mrs Dale on Radio –  had given.


Other that that, there is very little information on this actress who had the leading role in a very famous Radio show throughout the fifties and into the sixties.


It is the manner of her departure from that role that seems to have been reported more than anything.  


In the article she said that she had a son Clive, about the same age as the fictional Mrs Dale’s son Bob who was in his early twenties in 1954.

Ellis Powell's son marries 1960

I have come across this photograph of Ellis Powell attending the marriage of her son Clive in 1960 SEE ABOVE


Clive Roman and Myra Vaughan wedding 1960


How he comes to have the surname Roman I don’t know unless Roman is his second name. We assume also that his father was Ralph Truman who Ellis Powell was married to from 9th March 1928 – but all is speculation.


Ellis Powell died in 1963 aged 59

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